By S.D. Sycther
The construction company works mainly in the Middle East and has survived for long years as the master in business. The company specializes in making roads, buildings, and another sort of civil engineering works.
Justification of logo
1. The choice of name: The name is one of the important aspects of the foundation of the company. The name crescent justifies the moon which is an integral part of the culture there.
2. The “rescent”: The rescent word should be pronounced as recent, as the modern approach of the company to technology.
3. The Color: The color in positive space represents the road and the negative space represents the construction works it does. Also, it represents the way the involvement of gray matter in the matter. Grey represents wise. The negative space can also represent the white patches on the road.
4. The right opening: The small passage to the building says the company can work the remotest conditions in the world. Even if the conditions are poor, they will still work in those conditions. They can solve all problems using their gray matter. They open up accessibility in the remotest of areas.
5. The characteristic shape: The shape represents the letter C which can be interpreted as Civil Construction. It circular character resembles the global nature of the company.
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