Saturday, January 14, 2017


By S.D. Sycther


Delicious is an Indian company with its cultural backgrounds in the Bengali community. the company 's origins have been unknown and some claim that the company has been created by the gods themselves. According to the legend, When God was traveling through the forests of Bengal, he felt hungry and thirsty as well, now he couldn't eat the normal things directly since they were created by him only, so, he preferred the processed foods. He was in this small village called kalikata and not a single person could satisfy him, then came in the poorest person from the village, he has some mud balls which one shall never love to taste. God found it too amazing when this guy offered him food. He prized his money and made those gold and blessed him to make quality sweets till his family exits. Since then, the company has been the same in terms of quality but there has been a continuous increase in the quantity today all over the country they have captured the sweet markets. The recipes are too interesting to follow but most of them are secret. 
One of the most important things about their success even in the healthy world syndrome is that their foods are delicious but they don't cause you any fat restoration and keep you away from Diabetes, only god knows what has been there inside the sweets.

Elements of the logo

It has been a very simple logo with less of things that one may consider, it has been a traditional theme.
  1. The symbol
  2. The background


  1. The symbol: It is the symbol of the future. It has been the symbol of the mankind. It resembles the maple and otherwise also represents the lotus, which is considered to be one of the most auspicious symbols of the century. Also, in the Bordoni script Ornamental the letter 'D' is represented by that.
  2. The background: The background is represented by the colors of red and yellow, these are the traditional and the most preferred colors of the food industry. They add a value of zeal and enthusiasm to the people around.


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